Annual Report 2019
Explore the 2019 HighlightsMission
We are an energy company.
We concretely support a just energy transition,
with the objective of preserving our planet
and promoting an efficient
and sustainable access to energy for all.
Our work is based on passion and innovation,
on our unique strengths and skills,
on the equal dignity of each person,
recognizing diversity as a key value for human development,
on the responsibility, integrity and transparency of our actions.
We believe in the value of long-term partnerships
with the Countries and communities where we operate,
bringing long-lasting prosperity for all.
The new mission represents more explicitly the Eni’s path to face the global challenges, contributing to achieve the SDGs determined by the UN in order to clearly address the actions to be implemented by all the involved players.
The Sustainable Development Goals
Global goals for a sustainable development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, presented in September 2015, identifies the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which represent the common targets of sustainable development on the current complex social problems. These goals are an important reference for the international community and Eni in managing activities in those Countries in which it operates.
Eni is an energy company, operating in 66 Countries with about 32,000 employees.
Eni engages in oil and natural gas exploration, fields development and production, mainly in Italy, Algeria, Angola, Australia, Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Libya, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States, for overall 41 Countries.
Eni sells gas, electricity, LNG and oil products in European and extra-European markets, also leveraging on trading activities. Products availability is ensured by oil and gas production in the upstream business, long-term gas supply contracts, CCGT power plants, Eni's refinery system as well as by Versalis' chemical plants. The supply of commodities is optimized through trading activity.
Integrated business units enable the company to capture synergies in operations and reach cost efficiencies.
Eni engages in the renewable energy business through the development of plants for the production of green energy, also reconverting industrial sites through safety, remediation and environmental restoration.
Eni worldwide presence
Eni is an integrated energy company looking to the long-term, aiming to play a decisive role in the energy transition to a low carbon future. The main challenge of our industry is to ensure universal access to energy, efficiently and sustainably, combating climate change, maximizing the energy efficiency of its assets and total elimination of flaring and methane leaks, the growth of low carbon sources in its portfolio; zero-emission sources development and the development of circular economy initiatives.
The circular transformation of Eni has been started-up in the downstream businesses, with the first conversion in the world of a traditional refinery in biorefinery, the transformation of waste in energy products, leveraging on proprietary technologies such as the Waste To Fuel and on the realization in the chemical business of new processes and products transforming waste plastics in second raw material. Consolidated skills, technologies, innovation and research geographical differentiation of assets are the levers to strengthen a changing based on the synergies among stakeholders, the industrial symbiosis and the cultural change.
Business Model
Eni’s business model is focused on creating value for its stakeholders and shareholders through a strong presence along the whole value chain.
Eni, as an integrated energy company, contributes, directly or indirectly, to achieve the goals of Sustainable Development (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda, supporting a socially equal energy transition responding through concrete, quick and economically sustainable answers to the challenge of combating climate change and giving access to the energy resources in an efficient and sustainable way, overall.
To manage this effectively, Eni integrates organically its industrial plan with the principles of environmental and social sustainability, enlarging its actions along three directives:
- operational excellence
- carbon neutrality in the long term
- alliance for development
Operational excellence
- a continuous commitment to the valorization of people and, in HSE, to the safeguard of health and safety and environmental protection;
- the efficiency and resilience of operations, thanks to which Eni has accelerated projects’ time-to-market, reducing their break-even;
- a solid financial discipline;
- the maximum attention to the integrity and respect for human rights.
Carbon neutrality in the long term
Secondly, Eni’s business model envisages a path to decarbonization with the ambition to lead the Company to become carbon neutral in the long-term.
In this context, the Company adopts a life cycle GHG emissions approach and leverage on a set of actions including: maximizing the energy efficiency of its assets; growing low carbon sources in its portfolio (with an increase in gas and bio-fuel share, as well as the production and marketing of bio-methane); growing emission-free sources and developing circular economy initiatives. An important role will also be played by the application of new technologies capturing CO2 and the development of forestry projects for the forest conservation in accordance with the REDD+ scheme.
This approach and these drivers will enable Eni to considerable reduce its carbon footprint, both in terms of net emissions and carbon intensity.
Alliance for development
Thirdly, Eni’s value creation will leverage on the alliances for the promotion of local development in its Countries of operation. Eni is not only committed to address the valorization of resources of producing Countries, allocating their gas production to the local market and facilitating access to electricity, but also to promote a wide range of community initiatives: from diversification of local economies, to health projects, education, access to water and hygiene. This distinctive approach, called Dual Flag, is based on collaborations with institutions, cooperation agencies and local stakeholders in order to identify certain necessary actions to meet the needs of communities in line with the National Development Plans and the 2030 UN Agenda.
Eni is also committed to creating employment opportunities and transfers its know-how and expertise to its local partners involved in operations.
These distinctive factors are reflected in the Local Development Programs (LDP) in line with the 2030 UN Agenda and consistent with the National Development Plans to foster an inclusive growth, creating long-term value. Initiatives identified in Eni’s Countries of operations leverage on an integrated approach through public-private partnerships and alliances with other internationally recognised players engaged in the territory.
Eni’s business model is designed on these three levers leveraging on internal competences, the deployment of innovative technologies and the digitalization process.
Responsible and sustainable approach
For Eni, a responsible and sustainable approach is the rationale for creating value in the medium and long term for the company and for all stakeholders. This approach is emphasized in the new corporate Mission, which expressly embodies the transformation path undertaken by Eni to play a decisive role in the global process of a “just transition” towards a low-carbon future, facilitating access to energy in an efficient and sustainable way for all and contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Carbon neutrality in the long term
Combating climate change
Eni has defined a medium- and long-term plan in order to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by energy transition and to reduce progressively the carbon footprint of its activities
Main results in 2019
- -27% of GHG emission intensity index (upstream) vs. 2014
- -29% volumes of hydrocarbons sent to process flaring vs. 2014
- -81% upstream fugitive methane emissions vs. 2014 (TARGET REACHED)
Sustainable development goals

Operational excellence model
Eni is committed to supporting the transition by consolidating and developing skills, enhancing every psychophysical dimension of its people and recognising diversity as a resource
Main results in 2019
32,053 employees in service as of December, 31 (reported +1.1% vs 2018, adjusted(a) 2.0% vs. 2018)
+3.2 percentage point increase in women hired (32.3% in 2019 vs. 29.1% in 2018)
Approx. 1.4 million hours of training (+16.5% vs. 2018)
12,000 professional profiles mapped to date
(a) Growth with the same consolidation structure, mainly due to the sale of Agip Oil Ecuador.
Sustainable development goals

Eni believes that safety in the workplace is an essential value to be shared among employees, contractors and local stakeholders and it is committed to eliminating the occurrence of incidents
Main results in 2019
- TRIR(b) 0.34
- TRIR -3% vs. 2018 (-52% vs. 2014)
(b) Total Recordable Injury Rate.
Sustainable development goals

Respect for the environment
Eni promotes the eficient use of natural resources and the safeguard of protected areas relevant to biodiversity, identifying potential impacts and mitigation actions and is committed not to carry out hydrocarbon exploration and development activities in UNESCO World Heritage Natural Sites
Main results in 2019
- Formalisation of Eni's commitment not to carry out exploration and development activities in UNESCO World Heritage Natural Sites
- Extension of biodiversity risk mapping to all business lines
- Eni's adhesion to the CEO Water Mandate
- 89% reuse of freshwater
- -12% seawater withdrawn vs. 2018
- -15% waste from production activities generated vs. 2018
- -61% operational oil spills vs. 2018
Sustainable development goals

Human Rights
Eni is committed to respecting Human Rights in its activities and to promoting their respect among its partners and stakeholders
Main results in 2019
- First “Eni for Human Rights” report published
- Ranked in the top 4% of the 200 companies evaluated by the CHRB(c)
- “CEO Guide to Human Rights” of the WBCSD(d) signed
- 97% security contracts with Human Rights clauses
- 100% new suppliers assessed according to social criteria
(c) Corporate Human Rights Benchmark.
(d) World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Sustainable development goals

Transparency and integrity in business management
Eni carries out its business activities with fairness, correctness, transparency, honesty and integrity in compliance with the law
Main results in 2019
- Membership in EITI(e) since 2005
- 9 countries where Eni supports EITI’s local Multi-Stakeholder Group
- 27 audits with anti-corruption checks
(e) Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.
Sustainable development goals

Alliance for the promotion of local development
Cooperation model
The cooperation model integrated into the business model is a distinctive feature of Eni, which aims to support countries in achieving their development goals.
Main results in 2019
- €95.3 million invested in local development
- Partnership signed with UNIDO to contribute to SDG 9
- MoUs signed with Angola and Mozambique that combine traditional business with a commitment to diversified and sustainable growth
Sustainable development goals

Technological Innovation
For Eni, research, development and rapid implementation of new technologies are an important strategic lever to drive business transformation.
Main results in 2019
- €194 million invested in research and technological development
- 34 applications for first patent filings, of which 15 concern renewable sources
Sustainable development goals

Eni at a glance
In 2019, Eni achieved excellent results, enhancing the business portfolio through geographical diversification thanks to the expansion in the Middle East both in the upstream segment and through the purchase of the 20% share in ADNOC Refining, the growth in Egypt and Indonesia, the global development of the LNG business, as well as the upgrading of the production platform in Norway with the Vår Energi transaction and the subsequent purchase of the ExxonMobil assets by the JV. The strategic repositioning of R&M and Versalis in the green business and the circular economy has been set with the start-up of the Gela bio-refinery and the launch of a new line of polymers from mechanical recycling of used plastics.
The traditional Oil & Gas business is now more solid also thanks to the acceleration of the decarbonization path with the reduction of the upstream GHG emission intensity at a 6% rate per year from the 2014 baseline (down by a cumulative 26% in the period), the development of the business of power generation from renewable sources in synergy with asset portfolio, the bio-conversion of refineries, the launch of green chemistry and circular economy projects based on the use of sustainable raw materials, the recycling/reuse of waste (organic and non-organic) and, finally, with the launch of the forestry conservation initiatives, complementary to the low carbon strategy.
These positive results were reported in a challenging operating and trading environment, due to the slowdown in global macroeconomic cycle, the reduction in international trade, as well as the adverse geopolitical developments. All these factors negatively affected the demand of commodities and the global consumption of fuels and plastic feedstocks, boosting the negative impact of the oil and gas oversupply in the upstream, the competitive pressure from producers with lower cost structure and the overcapacity in the refining and chemical sector.
following a worsening scenario
Despite the unfavorable scenario and cash constraints, Eni combined growth and financial discipline, leveraging on successful exploration and lower of reserve’s time-to-market. Growth and efficency actions and reduced capex allowed to reach a cash neutrality, at a Brent price of 55 $/barrel at 2019 budget scenario, covering expenses, capex and dividends with the cash flow from operations.
Confirmed the Group’s financial strength with net borrowings at €11.48 billion (before IFRS 16) financing the 20% acquisition of ADNOC Refining amounting to $3.2 billion, paying dividends in the year for overall €3 billion and executing the first tranche of the buy-back program (€0.4 billion).
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
Operating profit (loss) |
(€ million) |
6,432 |
9,983 |
8,012 |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
8,597 |
11,240 |
5,803 |
Net cash flow from operating activities |
12,392 |
13,647 |
10,117 |
TRIR (Total Recordable Injury Rate) |
(total recordable injuries/ |
0.34 |
0.35 |
0.33 |
Leverage before IFRS 16 |
0.24 |
0.16 |
0.23 |
for the year
Exploration & Production
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
(€ million) |
8,640 |
10,850 |
5,173 |
Hydrocarbon production |
(kboe/d) |
1,871 |
1,851 |
1,816 |
Opex per boe |
($/boe) |
6.4 |
6.8 |
6.6 |
Profit per boe |
5.1 |
9.3 |
8.7 |
GHG emissions/100% operated hydrocarbon gross production |
(tonnes CO2eq/kboe) |
19.58 |
21.44 |
22.75 |
Gas & Power
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
(€ million) |
654 |
543 |
214 |
Worldwide gas sales |
(bcm) |
73.07 |
76.71 |
80.83 |
LNG sales |
10.1 |
10.3 |
8.3 |
GHG emissions/Equivalent produced electricity (Eni Power) |
(gCO2eq/kWheq) |
394 |
402 |
395 |
Retail customers in Italy |
(million) |
7.74 |
7.74 |
7.65 |
Refining & Marketing and Chemicals
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
(€ million) |
(48) |
380 |
991 |
Retail sales of petroleum products in Europe |
(mmtonnes) |
8.25 |
8.39 |
8.54 |
Refinery throughputs on own account |
22.74 |
23.23 |
24.02 |
GHG emissions/Refinery throughputs (raw and semi-finished materials) |
(tonnes CO2eq/ktonnes) |
248 |
253 |
258 |
Sales of petrochemical products |
(ktonnes) |
4,285 |
4,938 |
4,646 |
Consolidated disclosure of non-financial information
Eni’s 2019 Consolidated Disclosure of Non-Financial Information (NFI) has been prepared by structuring the report on the three levers of Eni’s integrated business model (Carbon Neutrality In The Long-Term, Operational Excellence Model, Alliances For Local Development) whose objective is to create long-term value for stakeholders, combining financial stability with social and environmental sustainability. The NFI provides an integrated view on the topics set out in Italian Legislative Decree 254/2016, also by providing references to other sections of the Annual Report or to the Corporate Governance Report, if the information is already contained therein or to provide further explanation.
References to the main United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been included in the various chapters. The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, presented in September 2015, identifies 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which represent common goals for the current complex social challenges. These goals are a valuable source of guidance for the international community and for Eni in conducting its activities in the Countries in which it operates.
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Aware of the scientific evidences of climate change reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Eni intends to play a leadership role in the energy transition process, supporting the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

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The Operational Excellence Model is centred on a constant commitment to consolidating and developing skills in line with new business needs, enhancing its people in all areas (professional and non-professional), and ensuring health and safety, environmental protection, respect and promotion of Human Rights and attention to transparency and anti-corruption.

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In the new Company mission, Eni has charted out even more clearly the path it has been following for several years now to address global challenges, to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and to create long-term value in the Countries where it operates through business activities that aim to increase access to energy resources while contributing to socio-economic development.

Exploration & Production
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
TRIR (Total Recordable Injury Rate) |
(total recordable injuries/ |
0.33 |
0.30 |
0.28 |
of which: employees |
0.18 |
0.29 |
0.23 |
contractors |
0.37 |
0.30 |
0.30 |
Sales from operations(a) |
(€ million) |
23,572 |
25,744 |
19,525 |
Operating profit (loss) |
7,417 |
10,214 |
7,651 |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
8,640 |
10,850 |
5,173 |
Adjusted net profit (loss) |
3,436 |
4,955 |
2,724 |
Capital expenditure |
6,996 |
7,901 |
7,739 |
Profit per boe(b) |
($/boe) |
5.1 |
9.3 |
8.7 |
Opex per boe(c)(d) |
6.4 |
6.8 |
6.6 |
Finding & Development cost per boe(c)(e) |
15.5 |
10.4 |
10.4 |
Average hydrocarbon realization |
43.54 |
47.48 |
35.06 |
Hydrocarbons production(c) |
(kboe/d) |
1,871 |
1,851 |
1,816 |
Net proved hydrocarbon reserves |
(mmboe) |
7,268 |
7,153 |
6,990 |
Reserves life index |
(years) |
10.6 |
10.6 |
10.5 |
Organic reserves replacement ratio |
(%) |
92 |
100 |
103 |
Employees at year end |
(number) |
11,502 |
11,645 |
11,970 |
of which outside Italy |
6,946 |
7,114 |
7,460 |
Oil spills due to operations (>1 barrel) |
(barrels) |
988 |
1,595 |
3,022 |
CO2 equivalent from methane fugitive emissions |
(mmtonnes CO2eq) |
0.56 |
1.08 |
1.14 |
Volumes of hydrocarbon sent to process flaring |
(billion Sm3) |
1.2 |
1.4 |
1.6 |
GHG emissions/100% operated hydrocarbon gross production(f) |
(tonnes CO2eq/kboe) |
19.58 |
21.44 |
22.75 |
Performance of the year
- Total recordable injury rate (TRIR) was 0.33, up by 10% as a result of higher number of accidents registered among the contractors.
- Oil spills due to operations decreased by 38% from 2018, following preventive maintenance, review of integrated anti-corrosion plans and replacement of lines sections.
- Methane fugitive emissions were down by 48% from 2018 and by 81% from 2014, achieving the 2025 target six years in advance, due to the completion of the monitoring campaigns and maintenance activities planned during the year.
- Volumes of hydrocarbon sent to process flaring were down by 15% from 2018 and down by 29% from 2014. Confirmed the target of zero flaring by 2025.
- Upstream GHG intensity index was positive with a reduction of 9% from 2018 and 27% from the 2014 baseline, in line with the 2025 target.
- In 2019, the E&P segment recorded an adjusted operating profit of €8,640, up by 7%, excluding the impact of the loss of control over Eni Norge which occurred at the end of 2018 to allow a-like-for-like comparison, and net of scenario effects, IFRS 16 accounting and the impact of lower interest rates on the present value of the asset retirement cost resulting in higher DD&A.
- Oil and natural gas production was 1.871 million boe/d, up by 5% from 2018 excluding the termination of the Intisar production contract in Libya from the third quarter of 2018 and net of price and portfolio effects. Start-ups and ramp-ups added 253 kboe/d to the production level of 2019.
- Net proved reserves at December 31, 2019 amounted to 7.3 bboe based on a reference Brent price of $63 per barrel. The all-sources replacement ratio was 117%, 92% of organic replacement ratio (100% net of price effects); 98% three-year average organic replacement ratio. The reserves life index was 10.6 years (10.6 years in 2018)
Gas & Power
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
TRIR (Total Recordable Injury Rate) |
(total recordable injuries/ |
0.59 |
0.56 |
0.37 |
of which: employees |
0.46 |
0.34 |
0.45 |
contractors |
0.84 |
0.99 |
0.23 |
Sales from operations(a) |
(€ million) |
50,015 |
55,690 |
50,623 |
Operating profit (loss) |
699 |
629 |
75 |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
654 |
543 |
214 |
of which: Gas & LNG Marketing and Power |
376 |
342 |
77 |
Eni gas e luce |
278 |
201 |
137 |
Adjusted net profit (loss) |
426 |
310 |
52 |
Capital expenditure |
230 |
215 |
142 |
Worldwide gas sales |
(bcm) |
73.07 |
76.71 |
80.83 |
of which: in Italy |
37.85 |
39.03 |
37.43 |
outside Italy |
35.22 |
37.68 |
43.40 |
LNG sales(b) |
10.1 |
10.3 |
8.3 |
Retail customers in Italy |
(million) |
7.74 |
7.74 |
7.65 |
Electricity produced |
(TWh) |
21.66 |
21.62 |
22.42 |
Electricity sold |
39.49 |
37.07 |
35.33 |
Employees at year end |
(number) |
3,015 |
3,040 |
4,313 |
of which: outside Italy |
975 |
951 |
2,031 |
Direct GHG emissions |
(mmtonnes CO2eq) |
10.47 |
11.08 |
11.30 |
GHG emissions/Equivalent produced electricity (Eni Power) |
(gCO2eq/kWheq) |
394 |
402 |
395 |
Performance of the year
- In 2019, the total recordable injury rate (TRIR) of the workforce amounted to 0.59, representing a slight increase compared to 2018.
- In 2019 the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reported an improved performance, approximately a reduction of 5.5%, due to lower power generation and gas transport.
- GHG emissions/ Equivalent produced electricity decreased by 2% compared to a year earlier due to the circumstance that in 2018 power plants reported higher consumption of refinery gas in place of natural gas.
- In 2019, the Gas & Power segment reported an adjusted operating profit of €654 million, up by 20% compared to 2018, mainly due to optimization of gas and power assets portfolio in Europe, which benefitted from a volatile scenario and a better performance of the retail business thanks to the more effective commercial initiatives, higher extracommodity revenues and lower opex.
- Eni worldwide gas sales amounted to 73.07 bcm, down by 3.64 bcm or 4.7% compared to 2018. Eni’s sales in Italy (37.85 bcm) decreased by 3% compared to 2018.
- Power sales amounted to 39.49 TWh, recording an increase of 6.5% (up by 2.42 TWh) compared to 2018, mainly due to higher volumes sold to the Italian free market.
- Capital expenditure amounting to €230 million mainly concerned the gas marketing activities and the power business.
Refining & Marketing and Chemicals
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
TRIR (Total Recordable Injury Rate) |
(total recordable injuries/ |
0.27 |
0.56 |
0.62 |
of which: employees |
0.24 |
0.49 |
0.56 |
contractors |
0.29 |
0.62 |
0.69 |
Sales from operations(a) |
(€ million) |
23,334 |
25,216 |
22,107 |
Operating profit (loss) |
(854) |
(380) |
981 |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
(48) |
380 |
991 |
- Refining & Marketing |
220 |
390 |
531 |
- Chemicals |
(268) |
(10) |
460 |
Adjusted net profit (loss) |
(75) |
238 |
663 |
Capital expenditure |
933 |
877 |
729 |
Refinery throughputs on own account in Italy and outside Italy |
(mmtonnes) |
22.74 |
23.23 |
24.02 |
Conversion index(b) |
(%) |
56 |
54 |
54 |
Average refineries utilization rate(b) |
88 |
91 |
90 |
Bio throughputs |
(ktonnes) |
311 |
253 |
242 |
Capacity of biorefineries(c) |
(ktonnes/year) |
660 |
360 |
360 |
Retail sales of petroleum products in Europe |
(mmtonnes) |
8.25 |
8.39 |
8.54 |
Service stations in Europe at year end |
(number) |
5,411 |
5,448 |
5,544 |
Average throughput per service station in Europe |
(kliters) |
1,766 |
1,776 |
1,783 |
Retail efficiency index |
(%) |
1.23 |
1.20 |
1.20 |
Production of petrochemical products |
(ktonnes) |
8,068 |
9,483 |
8,955 |
Sale of petrochemical products |
4,285 |
4,938 |
4,646 |
Average plant utilization rate |
(%) |
67 |
76 |
73 |
Employees at year end |
(number) |
11,291 |
11,136 |
10,916 |
of which: outside Italy |
2,390 |
2,396 |
2,336 |
Direct GHG emissions |
(mmtonnes CO2eq) |
7.97 |
8.19 |
7.82 |
GHG emissions/Refinery throughputs (raw and semi-finished materials) |
(tonnes CO2eq/ktonnes) |
248 |
253 |
258 |
Performance of the year
- In 2019, the total recordable injury rate (TRIR) confirms Eni’s commitment in the field of health and security with a decrease of 52% compared to 2018, with the contribution of both employees and contractors.
- Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reported a decrease of 2.7% in absolute terms as result of shutdowns of some chemical plants.
- GHG emissions relating to refining throughputs decreased by 2% thanks to energy efficiency measures.
In 2019, the Refining & Marketing and Chemicals segment reported an adjusted operating loss of €48 million, representing a decrease of €428 million from the 2018 adjusted operating profit of €380 million.
The Refining & Marketing business reported an adjusted operating profit of €220 million (down by 44%), due to the unfavourable refining scenario, partially offset by a strong marketing performance.
The Chemical business reported an adjusted operating loss of €268 million, negatively affected by a depressed trading environment due to a slowdown in demand from the main end-markets, the weaker demand of single-use plastics and the unavailability of the Priolo plant. - Breakeven refining margin was 5.8 $/barrel in 2019, 3.5 $/barrel assuming the budget scenario of exchange rates and oil spreads, due to narrowing price differentials between heavy crudes and the Brent market benchmark and to lower product spreads, in particular lubricants and gasolines.
- In 2019 Eni’s refining throughputs amounted to 22.74 mmtonnes, slightly lower y-o-y (down by 2.1%) due to lower throughputs at the Bayernoil refinery, following the unavailability in the early nine months of the year of the Vohburg facility, Livorno and Milazzo refineries, as well as the PCK participated refinery. These negatives were partly offset by higher volumes processed at the Taranto refinery.
- Production of biofuels from vegetable oil increased by 22.9% from 2018 to 0.31 mmtonnes, driven by the start-up of the Gela biorefinery in August 2019.
- Retail sales in Italy were 5.81 mmtonnes, slightly decreasing by 1.7% from 2018.
- Retail sales in the Rest of Europe (2.44 mmtonnes) were down by 1.6% compared to 2018, mainly due to lower volumes traded in Germany, due to the event occurred at the Bayernoil refinery and in France.
- Sales of petrochemical products amounted to 4.29 mmtonnes, recording a decrease of 13.2% y-o-y, mainly due to lower intermediates sale volumes.
- Capital expenditure of €933 million mainly related to refining activities.
Corporate and Other Activities
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
TRIR (Total Recordable Injury Rate) |
(total recordable injuries/ |
0.51 |
0.53 |
0.41 |
of which: employees |
0.20 |
0.55 |
0.21 |
contractors |
1.01 |
0.48 |
1.00 |
Sales from operations(a) |
(€ million) |
1,681 |
1,589 |
1,462 |
Operating profit (loss) |
(710) |
(691) |
(668) |
Adjusted operating profit (loss) |
(624) |
(606) |
(542) |
Adjusted net profit (loss) |
(884) |
(965) |
(1,041) |
Capital expenditure |
231 |
143 |
87 |
Photovoltaic/wind installed capacity |
(MW) |
167 |
40 |
n.d. |
Electricity produced from renewable sources |
(GWh) |
66.9 |
19.3 |
16.1 |
Groundwater treatment |
(mmcm) |
30.7 |
29.7 |
22.2 |
Groundwater treated at TAF plants and used in the production cycle or reinjected |
5.1 |
4.8 |
4.2 |
Waste disposed |
(mmtonnes) |
2.0 |
1.9 |
1.3 |
Recovered waste vs. recoverable waste |
(%) |
59 |
58 |
48 |
R&D expenditure |
(€ million) |
75 |
57 |
44 |
First patent filing application |
(number) |
14 |
13 |
7 |
Employees at year end |
(number) |
6,245 |
5,880 |
5,735 |
of which: outside Italy |
254 |
238 |
234 |
The “Corporate and other activities” includes the following businesses:
- the “Corporate and financial companies” segment includes results of operations of Eni’s headquarters (Group strategic planning, human resources management, finance, administration, information technology, legal affairs, international affairs and corporate research and development functions) and Eni’s subsidiaries (Eni Finance International SA, Banque Eni SA, Eni International BV, Eni Finance USA Inc, Eni Insurance DAC, EniServizi, Eni Corporate University, AGI and other minor subsidiaries) which carries out cash management activities, finance, general purposes services and support to Group businesses;
- the “other activities” segment comprises results of operations of Eni’s subsidiary Eni Rewind, which runs reclamation and decommissioning activities pertaining to certain businesses which Eni exited, divested or shut down in past years and manages the stream of waste originated from industrial and remediation activities, as well as Energy Solutions business which engages in developing the business of renewable energy.
Performance of the year
- In 2019, the total recordable injury rate (TRIR) of the workforce reported a better performance compared to 2018, thanks to the Eni’s constant commitment to ensure safety in the workplaces. In the year, initiatives continued, for both Eni’s employees and contractors, for the dissemination of the safety culture and in particular to promote safe and correct behaviours in all environments. The “Safety starts @ office” campaign was launched to support safety in offices and headquarters starting from the “Safety Golden Rules”.
- In 2019, the groundwater treated at TAF plants and used in the production cycle or reinjected increased by over 6%. This result confirms Eni’s commitment in the growth of groundwater share reclaimed and reused for civil or industrial purposes, in the start-up of initiatives and assessments for the use of low-quality water in place of freshwater and the decrease of water intensity in the operations.
- Renewable energy installed capacity achieved 167 MW.
- In 2019, the Corporate and Other activities segment reported an increase of revenues of approximately 6% mainly as a result of the growth of global client activities, the environmental logistic services, as well as remediation initiatives carried out for Eni’s Group.
- Capital expenditure (€231 million) were mainly focused on the development of renewable projects, circular economy and digitalization.
- In 2019, research and development expenditure amounted to €75 million (€57 million in 2018). 14 patent applications were filed.
- In 2019, were managed waste for a total amount of 2 mmtonnes, the share of recovered/recycled waste increased by 5% compared to 2018.
Activities of the year
Eni’s commitment to the development of renewables projects is going on, reaching a total installed capacity of 167 MW as of december 31, 2019, of which 82 MW in Italy and approximately 86 MW outside Italy.
- Italy
- Among the “Progetto Italia”, the photovoltaic plant at the industrial hub of Porto Torres in Sardinia was started-up, with an installed capacity of 31 MW. Energy produced will be addressed for a total share of 70% to own consumptions of the companies located in the industrial site.
- As of December 31, 2019, finalized around the 90% of the photovoltaic plant in Volpiano (Piemonte) with a total capacity of 18 MW (completed in January 2020).
- Kazakhstan
- In 2019, realized the 70% of Badamsha plant, the first Eni’s wind farm energy with a total capacity of 50 MW (completed in February 2020). The project, in partnership with General Electric (GE), is part of the agreement signed in 2017, by Eni, GE and the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Australia
- Completed the Katherine plant in the Northern Region with a total capacity of 34 MW, integrated with an energy storage system and an installed storage power of about 6 MW.
- Pakistan
- In November 2019, started the Bhit photovoltaic plant, the first Eni’s solar project in Pakistan. This plant, supporting the production facilities at the Bhit gas field, provides solar energy in an offgrid configuration. The peak capacity amounts to 10 MW, with a production of approximately 20 GWh/year. This plant allows to reduce gas consumptions.
- Tunisia
- Completed the 5 MW photovoltaic system (Eni's interest 50%) in the Adam concession. The plant provides a storage battery system (with an installed storage capacity of 2.2 MW) which allows to support integration with the already existing gas turbines.
- The construction of a photovoltaic system with an installed capacity of 10 MW (Eni's interest 50%) is ongoing in the city of Tataouine. This project, awarded following a public tender launched by the Tunisian Ministry of Energy, provides the supply of green electricity to theState-owned company STEG (Société Tunisienne de l'Electricité et du Gaz).
- Development of the Waste to Fuel technology for the transformation of organic waste into refining intermediates, fuels components for fuels or chemical basis. In 2019, Eni Rewind started the identification of possible development opportunities in Italy. In particular, feasibility studies of a Waste to Fuel plant were realized at Porto Marghera, with a FORSU processing capacity until 150,000 tonnes per year.
- In 2019, Eni Rewind started the engineering phase of the first application on an industrial scale of its proprietary technology “Blue Water”, for the treatment and recovery of produced water extracted from the reservoir. Inquiry is underway to obtain authorizations by local authorities.