“The commitments we have made to continue our transformation process – which made us a simpler, faster and more resilient integrated energy company - remain intact, as our determination to fight climate change and our efforts towards a just energy.”
CEO Eni, Claudio Descalzi
“The commitments we have made to continue our transformation process – which made us a simpler, faster and more resilient integrated energy company - remain intact, as our determination to fight climate change and our efforts towards a just energy.”
CEO Eni, Claudio Descalzi

The energy challenge

The historical moment we are witnessing poses very complex scenarios on our path. The energy sector is experiencing a transition period and it is called to make crucial decisions to handle the challenges of our time. On one hand, there is a need to address the climate emergency, which obliges Governments and businesses to set out clear objectives to reduce the atmospheric emissions. On the other hand, it is necessary to assure energy access to a growing population, with the goal of promoting development and reducing economic and social differences, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Primary energy demand in 2040 vs. 2018 according to the STEPS scenario of the IEA
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People in 2040
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CO2 emissions in 2040 vs. 2018 according to the SDS scenario of the IEA
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The percentages represent the achievement of SDGs by geographic area, where 0 indicates the worst result and 100 the attainment of the goals. The analysis is presented in the “SDG index and dashboards” outlined in the “Sustainable Development Report 2019”.
Source: Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
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Progress of SDGs by geographic area
OECD Countries
South-East Asia
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Latin America and Caribbean
Middle East and North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa


These are the challenges we have taken on in our work over the past six years, designing a new business model and codifying those values in our new Mission - a project that has laid the foundations for our Long-Term Strategic Plan to 2050, which includes as a founding principle the 17 SDGs.
We are an energy company.
We concretely support a just energy transition,
with the objective of preserving our planet
and promoting an efficient
and sustainable access to energy for all.
Our work is based on passion and innovation,
on our unique strengths and skills,
on the equal dignity of each person,
recognizing diversity as a key value for human development,on the responsibility, integrity and transparency of our actions.
We believe in the value of long term partnerships
with the countries and communities where we operate,
bringing long-lasting prosperity for all.
We are an energy company.
We concretely support a just energy transition,
with the objective of preserving our planet
and promoting an efficient
and sustainable access to energy for all.
Our work is based on passion and innovation,
on our unique strengths and skills,
on the equal dignity of each person,
recognizing diversity as a key value for human development,
on the responsibility, integrity and transparency of our actions.
We believe in the value of long term partnerships
with the countries and communities where we operate,
bringing long-lasting prosperity for all.

Carbon neutrality in the long term

We have started on a decarbonisation path to rise to the crucial challenge of the energy sector: transition towards a low carbon future and access to resources for a growing world population. The strategy adopted in this direction comprises, in addition to the reduction of direct and inderect GHG emissions, the development of low carbon businesses and of new energy carriers, the research effort, the development of innovative solutions in support of all activities and a resilient hydrocarbon portfolio in which gas, as is pointed out in all IEA scenarios, will play a major role, by virtue of its lower carbon intensity and of the possibility of integration with renewable sources in electricity generation, while promoting the reduction of coal consumption. Eni has defined a short, medium and long term Business Plan that, leveraging know-how, proprietary technologies, innovation and on the flexibility and resilience of the assets, it will allow to exploit new development and efficiency opportunities, to play a leading role in the energy transition process.

Alliances for development

Promoting the development of the hosting countries is key to pursue a fair transition. We have to grow together, by enhancing local markets and opening new business perspectives. Our investments seek to diversify local economies by creating new opportunities, launching education projects, improving health and granting better access to water and sanitation as well as energy. Our research and innovation for new, clean energy sources go hand in hand with this process.

Local development projects in the world

1. Messico
2. Ecuador
AE Access to off-grid energy
ED Economic diversification
E Education
H Health
LL Life on land
AS Access to water and sanitation
Economic diversification
Livelihood Restoration Plan
The programme's aim is to improve living conditions for families, by providing food in the transitional stage, running a training programme on financial management and setting up new sustainable businesses. Specifically, we will encourage new farming businesses, livestock farming, aquaculture and market access.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Economic diversification
Livelihood Restoration Plan
The programme's aim is to improve living conditions for families, by providing food in the transitional stage, running a training programme on financial management and setting up new sustainable businesses. Specifically, we will encourage new farming businesses, livestock farming, aquaculture and market access.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Partnerships for development

To support our strategy that combines environmental and social sustainability, we have set up partnerships for development with international organisations, charities and cooperation agencies that are active in the local regions and globally recognised. Collaborating and sharing skills makes projects more efficient and has a concrete impact in the achievement of the SDGs.
Li Yong, Director General of UNIDO
“By virtue of its business-oriented mandate, UNIDO has a long tradition of partnerships with private firms, predicated not on charity or philanthropy, but on an alignment of corporate goals and development objectives: the approach is to define this common ground with the prospective partner, clearly articulate the shared objectives and the path to reach them, negotiate a fair distribution of the costs of the joint action, and set in place the metrics that will help both parties monitor the progress of their association.”
Li Yong, Director General of UNIDO
On July 17, 2019, Eni and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) signed a joint declaration to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. The first planned activities concern the improvement of youth employment and the value chain of the agri-food chain in Mozambique and research activities on renewable energy and energy eficiency in Congo.
Since 2018, Eni has been working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to promote access to water in Nigeria through the construction of water wells powered by photovoltaic systems, for domestic use and irrigation, in line with the SDGs.
In 2018, Eni and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at promoting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular to improve access to sustainable energy in Africa.
Collaboration for the opening of the Musée du Cercle Africain (2018), the first Museum in Pointe-Noire in Congo, to promote and enhance African culture and art, with particular attention to the new generations. Participation in the first Bienniale of Luanda, in Angola – Pan African Forum for the Culture of Peace (September 18-22, 2019) – aimed at stimulating dialogue and the encounter between cultures and promoting a common path of peace, a fundamental condition for human and economic development of Countries.
Eni Ghana and the World Bank signed a Memorandum of Understanding, the result of a dialogue that began in 2019, for the development of initiatives to promote access to improved domestic wood fuel cook stoves, to reduce exposure to unhealthy wood-smoke and decreased pressure on the depletion of forest resources. Built on an innovative cooperation model between a multilateral organization and the private sector, the actions planned contribute to the Government of Ghana’s strategy for ensuring universal access to modern, clean and safe energy sources by 2030.
The Collaboration Agreement signed between Eni Kenya and E4Impact Foundation, launched during 2019, aims to develop a business incubator in Kenya (Nairobi). The initiative involves the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan (UCSC) in promoting entrepreneurship (especially for women) and youth employment, stimulating the internationalization of new businesses.
In 2019, Eni Mozambique and the Dom Bosco Institute of Maputo signed a collaboration agreement to implement a broad professional training plan at the industrial and commercial institute of Pemba. The four-year collaboration includes certified training of trainers and provision of scholarships for professional courses, degrees, masters and doctorates in technical-vocational disciplines.

Operational excellence

People are the enabling factor of this strategy, which will enable us to achieve our environmental and social objectives, aiming for carbon neutrality in the long-term and minimizing operational risks. People’s training and the commitment of each one of us, as well as the attention to health and safety, to the protection of the environment together with respect for human rights and integrity, are essential prerequisites for a just transition, able to pursue a sustainable development.
"The integration of the respect for human rights is a constantly evolving process: that’s why we are committed to continuous improvement, and we believe that transparency and accountability support our efforts to safeguard and spread a human rights culture".
CEO Eni, Claudio Descalzi
"The integration of the respect for human rights is a constantly evolving process: that’s why we are committed to continuous improvement, and we believe that transparency and accountability support our efforts to safeguard and spread a human rights culture".
CEO Eni, Claudio Descalzi

Eni for Human rights

Respect for human rights is an integral part of Eni’s culture, based on the dignity of every human being and on the company’s responsibility to contribute to the well-being of individuals and of local communities. In December 2019 “Eni for Human Rights”, Eni’s first document entirely dedicated to this topic, was published.
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Eni for 2019 – Sustainability Report
Eni for 2019 - A just transition
Eni for 2019 - Carbon neutrality in the long term
Eni for 2019 - Sustainability performance
Eni for 2019 - Executive Summary
2020 Eni for Human Rights