Changes in shareholders’ equity

(€ million)



Shareholders’ equity at December 31, 2012



Total comprehensive income



Dividends distributed to Eni’s shareholders



Dividends distributed by consolidated subsidiaries



Stock options expired



Effect of changes in consolidation on non-controlling interests



Acquisition of non-controlling interest relating to Tigáz Zrt



Other changes



Total changes



Shareholders’ equity at December 31, 2013



Attributable to:



- Eni’s shareholders



- Non-controlling interest



Shareholders’ equity including non-controlling interest was €61,174 million, representing a decrease of €1,384 million from December 31, 2012. This was due to comprehensive income for the year (€2,923 million) as a result of net profit (€4,972 million), which was partly offset by foreign currency translation differences (€1,871 million). This addition to equity was almost completely offset by dividend payments to Eni’s shareholders and other changes for €4,307 million (dividend payments to Eni’s shareholders of €3,949 million, including the 2013 interim dividend, and dividends paid to non-controlling interest of Saipem and other subsidiaries).