Refining & Marketing

Refining capacity 


vs 2012

due to reconversion in biofuel plants

Production capacity


milion tonnes/year

of Venice Green Refinery

Adjusted operating profit
(€ million)
Adjusted operating profit (bar chart)Adjusted operating profit (bar chart)
Injury frequency rate
(No. of accidents per million of worked hours)
Injury frequency rate (bar chart)Injury frequency rate (bar chart)
Refinery throughputs on own account
Direct GHG emissions (bar chart)Direct GHG emissions (bar chart)

Biofuels marketed


milion tonnes

Refinery utilization rate


with a $6/barrel breakeven margin

Direct GHG emissions
(mmtonnes CO2eq)
Retail sales of petroleum products in Europe
Customer satisfaction index
(likert scale)

Agreement for the conversion of

Gela Refinery

in bio-refinery

Standard Eni Refining Margin


vs 2013

not withstanding industry structural headwinds

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