Materiality and stakeholder engagement
Eni’s materiality definition process
Materiality is the result of the identification, evaluation and prioritization of the relevant sustainability issues that impact significantly the company’s ability to create value in the short, medium and long-term.
The materiality process is based on the analysis of three steps:
- CEO’s guidelines for preparation of the four-year strategic plan;
- the potential ESG risks, identified by the internal risk assessment;
- the evaluation of the main requests promoted by the stakeholders on sustainability issues.
The combination of the results of the three previous assessments allowed to identify the 2016 relevant issues:
- integrity in business management (transparency, anti-corruption);
- safety of the people and asset integrity;
- human rights and equal opportunities for all people;
- combating climate change (GHG reduction, energy efficiency, renewable energies) and reduction of environmental impact (protection of water resources, biodiversity, oil spill prevention);
- local development/local content and promotion of access to energy;
- technological innovation.