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Eni's activities
Eni engages in oil and natural gas exploration, field development and production, mainly in Italy, Algeria, Angola, Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Libya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Norway, Kazakhstan, the UK, the United States and Venezuela, overall in 44 countries.
Eni sells gas, electricity, LNG and oil products in the European and extra-European markets, also leveraging on trading activities. Products availability is ensured by oil and gas production in the upstream segment, long-term gas supply contracts, CCGT power plants, Eni’s refinery system as well by Versalis’ chemical plants.
The supply of commodities is optimized through trading activity. Integrated business units enable the company to capture synergies in operations and reach cost efficiencies.
Highlights 2016
In 2016 Eni achieved remarkable results leveraging on its refocused portfolio, profitable growth in the upstream segment and cost efficiency programs.