40 Income taxes
(€ million) |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Current taxes: |
- Italian subsidiaries |
620 |
755 |
812 |
- foreign subsidiaries of the Exploration & Production segment |
8,286 |
10,214 |
7,602 |
- foreign subsidiaries |
635 |
455 |
299 |
9,541 |
11,424 |
8,713 |
Net deferred taxes: |
- Italian subsidiaries |
(418) |
376 |
(196) |
- foreign subsidiaries of the Exploration & Production segment |
936 |
129 |
756 |
- foreign subsidiaries |
(156) |
(268) |
(265) |
362 |
237 |
295 |
9,903 |
11,661 |
9,008 |
Income taxes currently payable by Italian subsidiaries amounted to €812 million and were in respect of the Italian corporate taxation (IRES for €262 million and IRAP for €74 million) and foreign taxes on the share of profit earned outside Italy for €476 million.
The effective tax rate was 64.4% (55.7% and 70.2% in 2011 and 2012, respectively) compared with a statutory tax rate of 43.1% (43.1% and 43.9% in 2011 and 2012, respectively). This was calculated by applying the Italian statutory tax rate on corporate profit of 38.0%22 and a 3.9% corporate tax rate applicable to the net value of production as provided for by Italian laws.
The difference between the statutory and effective tax rate was due to the following factors:
(%) |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Statutory tax rate |
43.1 |
43.9 |
43.1 |
Items increasing (decreasing) statutory tax rate: |
- higher foreign subsidiaries tax rate |
12.7 |
16.9 |
16.1 |
- impact pursuant to the writedown of deferred tax assets and recalculation of tax rates |
7.7 |
8.9 |
- impact pursuant to the Italian Windfall Corporate tax as per Law 7/2009 |
1.0 |
1.5 |
1.3 |
- permanent differences and other adjustments |
(1.1) |
0.2 |
(5.0) |
12.6 |
26.3 |
21.3 |
55.7 |
70.2 |
64.4 |
In 2013, the increased tax rate at foreign subsidiaries primarily related to 14.9 percentage points in the Exploration & Production segment (17.2 and 17.8 percentage points in 2011 and 2012, respectively).
A write down of deferred tax assets impacted the Group tax rate by 8.9 percentage points and was recorded by the parent company Eni SpA and other Italian subsidiaries which were part of the consolidated accounts for Italian tax purposes. Such write-down reflected a lower likelihood that those deferred tax assets can be recovered in future periods due to an expected reduction in taxable income generated in Italy.
In 2013, the decrease due to permanent differences and other adjustments of 5.0 percentage points comprised an effect of 6.6 percentage points due to non-taxable gains on sale relating to the transactions of the 28.57% at Eni East Africa SpA and an effect of 0.9 percentage points due to non-taxable gains on sale and revaluation relating to the transactions at Galp Energia SGPS SA and Snam SpA. Such decrease was partially offset by an effect of 1.0 percentage points due to a non-deductible impairment of the goodwill allocated to the European gas market CGU and an effect of 0.8 percentage points due to the tax regime provided for intercompany dividends. In 2012, the increase due to permanent differences and other adjustments of 0.2 percentage points comprised an effect of 3.3 percentage points due to a non-deductible impairment of the goodwill allocated to the European gas market CGU and a negative effect of 4.5 percentage points due to non-taxable gains on the sale and revaluation relating to the transactions at Galp Energia SGPS SA. In 2011, the decrease for permanent differences and other adjustments of 1.1 percentage points were due to a non-deductible provision accrued to reflect the expected loss deriving from an antitrust proceeding in the European sector of rubbers (0.2 percentage points).
(22) Includes a 5.5% supplemental tax rate on taxable profit of energy companies in Italy (whose primary activity is the production and marketing of hydrocarbons and electricity and with annual revenues in excess of €25 million) effective from January 1, 2008 and further increases of 1% effective from January 1, 2009, pursuant to the Law Decree No. 112/2008 (converted into Law No. 133/2008) and 4% effective from January 1, 2011, pursuant the Law Decree No. 138/2011 (converted into Law No. 148/2011) which enlarged the scope of application to include renewable energy companies and gas transport and distribution companies.