Performance of the year
In 2013 procurement amounted to €9,066 million, 51.1% of which referred to local procurement.
In 2013 the injury frequency rate for employees and contractors improved from 2012 (by 14.8% and 41.1%, respectively). In 2013 Eni continued its commitment in education and training for employees and contractors in the field of health and security, with initiatives such as “Leadership in Health and Safety”, “Working at height and Confined Space” as well as the use of a dedicated HSE training portal and individual protection equipment.
Health and safety expenditure registered an increase (up by 4% from 2012). In particular, the expenditure for individual protection equipment increased by 30% and the expenditure for safety training increased by 10%.
In 2013, adjusted net loss amounted to €253 million (down by €1,264 million from the adjusted net profit of €1,111 million reported in 2012). This result reflected operating and marketing difficulties encountered in the first half of 2013, which led management to revise the profit margin estimates for important orders, in particular for the construction of onshore industrial complexes.
Orders acquired amounted to €10,653 million (€13,391 million in 2012), 94% of which relating to the works outside Italy, while 14% orders from Eni Companies.
Order backlog amounted to €17,514 million at December 31, 2013 (€19,739 million at December 31, 2012), of which €9,244 million to be fulfilled within 2014.
In 2013 overall expenditure in R&D amounted approximately to €15 million, in line with the previous year. 14 patent applications were filed.
Capital expenditure amounted to €902 million (€1,011 million in 2012), mainly regarded the upgrading of the drilling and construction fleet.
New contracts by geographic area

Backlog by geographic area