In 2013, the healthcare network (dispensaries, health centres, clinics, hospitals, communities) was supported and strengthened by making available:
- a healthcare network made up of 15 healthcare professionals and 3 substitute professionals who provide healthcare services to 7,156 patients and represent a first point of access;
- out-patient services (5,980 patients) at the various local health units (dispensaries and health centres) and the public clinic (1,546 patients);
- periodic visits of the Ministry of Public Health’s team (Medical Brigades) to get public institutions more involved with a view to taking charge of the services in the future. The doctor, the dentist and the nurse who make up the team have performed 1,328 check-ups over the past year;
- fumigations performed in the villages in the area (500 compounds) by staff of the medical brigades have contributed to control of the carriers of infectious diseases;
- hospital out-patient diagnostic and laboratory tests for 271 patients (66 of whom were hospitalized);
- medical evacuation for 112 urgent cases carried out by: helicopter (1 case), aircraft (29 cases) and land transport (82 cases);
- treatment of around 35 special cases referred to higher levels in the Ecuadorian Health System.
In Ecuador:
patients received medical attention
out-patient consultations
specialist medical examinations