Access to energy
Comparison between Energy Development Index and Human Development Index (2010)

Access to modern forms of sustainable energy is a prerequisite for the development of any territory. Access to energy has often been defined as the missing “Millennium Development Goal” and, given its extreme significance for socioeconomic development, the process of defining the Sustainable Development Goals has been marked by international consensus on the role of energy with respect to sustainable development.
A comparison of the Energy Development Index, developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA) to monitor the energy progress of Countries, and UNDP’s Human Development Index shows that there is a direct correlation between the use of modern forms of energy and the development of Countries.
The focus on energy as a prerequisite for global development is also reflected in the ongoing debate on the definition of the Sustainable Development Goals. This has placed energy at the heart of the strategy to achieve green and inclusive growth.
eni is aware of the responsibilities and opportunities associated with its role as an international energy company with a presence in 85 Countries.
From this perspective, eni sees access to energy as a central issue as well as a real operational model for discussion at the international level in support of sustainable development policies.
Starting with the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, which had eni among its first supporters and which is now one of the strategic planks of the United Nations sustainability initiative, 2013 saw the consolidation of various new undertakings. As part of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) eni’s CEO, in addition to his role on the Network’s Leadership Council, also leads the initiative Energy for All in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This initiative has the task of identifying and promoting real and repeatable solutions to improve access to energy in the region. eni is the Official Partner for Sustainability Initiatives in African Countries for Expo Milan 2015.