Local development
The international community uses expressions such as “Prosperity and equality” “fair and inclusive development within the limits of the world’s resources”, “green and inclusive growth” to indicate the primary and most important Sustainable Development Goal. The pursuit of this goal is complemented by eni’s business activities in all operational areas, starting from those most in need of investments for development.
Community engagement
Transparency, dialogue, and respect for local communities are the prerequisites for an effective cooperation aimed at adding value to the territory.
In 2013 the Management System Guideline “Sustainability stakeholder engagement and community relations” was issued.
“Sustainability Stakeholder Engagement and Community Relations”, a new Management System Guideline issued in 2013 was based on the most up-to-date standards and international best practices. eni has used it to update the guidelines on managing its relations with local stakeholders and communities. This way, all of eni’s operational guidelines have been gathered in a single regulatory document valid for all the territories where the company operates. Moreover, this has led to reinforcing a relations management concept that is proactive, systematic, transparent and inclusive in all phases of the business project.
The MSG gives indications on how to effectively and proactively involve stakeholders, analyse the context and assess social impact at the local level, apply tools for consulting with the community and involving it (i.e. grievance mechanism), plan, manage and measure community investment, so that local reporting can be performed.
visitors took part in the “Percorso Energia – Impianti Aperti” event in Val d’Agri