eni takes part in a project promoted by IPIECA to develop specific industry guidelines on Grievance Mechanisms.
In Basilicata (Italy), eni follows a reporting and communication strategy that involves stakeholders, uses information and communication channels, as well as reporting tools. The office in charge of relations for the eni Southern District undertakes one-to-one meetings with representatives of local communities and civil society on a daily basis in order to discuss, debate and work together on issues of specific interest to the area. In June 2013 eni held the event “Percorso Energia – Impianti Aperti” (Energy Path - Open Plants), giving around 200 people the chance to visit the plants in Val D’Agri. In addition to this, eni launched the website enibasilicata.it, an online platform dedicated entirely to eni’s activities in that Italian region. Since 2012, the company has been periodically issuing its local report.
For example, eni ran the workshop “Operating responsibly within Mozambique’s natural and social environment” in June 2013 in Maputo, Mozambique, in order to present its sustainable business model to local stakeholders.
Around one hundred people attended the workshop, including sustainable development experts, representatives of government institutions, national and international NGOs, and Oil & Gas companies such as Anadarko and Statoil.
of the main subsidiaries covered by the Grievance mechanism: Australia, Congo, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Pakistan
Grievance Mechanism>
In order to manage complaints from local communities, eni has adopted grievance mechanisms, already implemented in Australia, Ghana, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Congo. These mechanisms are part of a wider strategy of stakeholder engagement that aims to improve relationships, enable a more reactive and responsible management approach, contribute to the company’s long-term business prospects and the well-being of local communities.
To achieve this aim, eni participates in a project promoted by IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, to develop guidelines for the Oil & Gas sector on grievance mechanisms. In this regard, eni launched a pilot project in 2013, in order to develop a site-specific mechanism for the management of feedback from local communities and to define best practice that can be a reference for the whole company. The implementation of a formal grievance mechanism in Nigeria has helped the company mitigate social risks and offered several opportunities to plan interventions and countermeasures as part of the development of stakeholder engagement activities.