Education and training
Daily production of eni hydrocarbons by Country and secondary school education (years) - 2012

Education is one of the fundamental levers for the socioeconomic development of a Country.
The 2nd MDG “Achieve Universal Primary Education” is based on this idea and today, fifteen years later, this commitment is being renewed by reinstating the goal of universal education as one of the key future SDGs.
According to results published by the United Nations, since 2010 the overall enrolment rates in elementary schools in developing Countries is equal to 90%1. The dropout rate, however, is still very high.
Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the worst figures in this area, with a primary school completion rate of only 69%, compared with a global figure of 90%. Over 40% of eni’s production is concentrated in Countries where the average number of years of schooling is less than seven2.
(1) UN, Millennium Development Goals and Beyond 2015, factsheet Goal 2, 2013.
(2) World Data Bank (2011).
eni has launched a programme of interventions which impact on all levels of education, from primary to post-graduate.
With regard to the investment strategy in education and training, which was defined following completion of baseline and feasibility studies, eni is implementing a programme of interventions which aim to have an impact on all levels of education, from primary to post-graduate.