installed power in Nigeria
installed power in Congo
the population of Pointe Noire served
Republic of the Congo>
In the Republic of the Congo, the acquisition in 2007 of the M’Boundi onshore field allowed eni to develop an access to energy model on a large scale. In addition to the Djeno electric power station (CED), whose capacity doubled in 2009 from 25 to 50 MW, in 2010 eni built the Congo electric power station (CEC) with an installed capacity of 300 MW. Both of the Congolese power stations are fuelled by gas from the M’Boundi field and were added as part of a programme which also provides for the renewal and reconstruction of the high voltage national network between Pointe Noire and Brazzaville (550 km) and the development of the electricity distribution network in the city of Pointe Noire. Today Pointe Noire’s energy is supplied entirely by the CEC power station, whereas the surplus power that is not used at Pointe Noire is passed on to Brazzaville through the modernized high voltage network. eni’s project has enabled the widespread distribution of electricity and the installation of street lighting in Pointe Noire. In the last three years demand for electricity in the city has increased by 60%, passing from 80 to 130 MW. The project has enabled supply to be extended to cover an area inhabited by around 350,000 people, or 40% of the city’s population and has enabled the installation of more than 6,500 street lamps. In general the 2 power stations mentioned above constitute around 60% of the installed capacity in Congo; the power of the CEC alone would currently be able to satisfy the average daily demand of the Country.
Furthermore, in 2013 a new gas exploitation project was completed in the Kouakouala field (M’Boundi area), which, through a system of generators, supplies electricity to two villages situated near the field, supplying power for the water well pumps, schools, health centres and public lighting.
Access to energy is a key element of the IHP project. Accordingly action has been taken on electrification in all sectors, thereby improving the effectiveness and usability of the project results. The overhaul/construction of six systems for the supply of drinking water, powered through the installation of solar panels and diesel generators, was completed in 2013. In addition, work was also completed on equipping another three schools in the project area with an electricity supply system powered by solar panels. The device will be optimized by connecting the solar panels to energy accumulators to increase the energy storage capacity and extend the use of the services after sunset. These interventions at the infrastructure level help to improve the quality of the scholastic services supplied. The electrification of schools in rural areas helps to increase the number of evening classes, makes schools in remote areas more accessible and attractive to teachers, and allows the use of computers and the Internet. A total of 10 schools are to be renovated as part of the project.