eni works with various entities at the national and international level to contribute to the creation of a shared culture of integrity.
The training is given through on-line courses (e-learning) and training sessions in workshops held by eni’s anti-corruption legal offices in Italy and abroad. The resources trained over the 2010-2012 three-year period numbered about 6,370, including 2,700 via workshops and 3,670 via e-learning.
In 2013, with a the new cycle of e-learning, around 9,200 people received training. There were 57 classroom based training events, 13 of which took place abroad, with a total of 2,180 participants, including employees and contractors.
In December 2013 eni and Transparency International have signed a collaboration agreement for the joint development of an innovative method of “Country Assessment” with the purpose of highlighting, in a specific geographical context, the impact of corruption on business activities and the conditioning that results. The new methodology will be developed with the involvement of the private sector, the public sector and the civil society. The collaboration agreement also provides for the use of this innovative methodology for two “Country Assessments” in two important Countries for the energy sector. Other examples of important partnerships are:
- the contribution made to the work of the B20 on the fight against corruption which led in 2013, at the G20/B20 in Russia, to the appointment of the Chairman of eni as Co-Chair of the Anti-corruption Task Force;
- the cooperation agreement with the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC);
- participation in the review process of the application of the OECD and UNCAC conventions in Italy;
- participation in March 2013 in the United Kingdom Energy & Extractives Working Group which led to the elaboration of the second edition of “Principles for an Anti-corruption Programme under the UK Bribery Act 2010 in the Energy & Extractives sector”;
- involvement in a collective initiative undertaken in December 2013 by the European companies and contribution to a practical manual published by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris on anti-corruption models, the “ICC Ethics and Compliance Handbook”.