Message to our stakeholders
eni’s growth has been achieved by building the business with passion and transparency and by adopting strategies based on a long term vision, enabling the company to achieve operational success and create shared value.
These results have been made possible by involving everyone, starting from our people and reaching as far as the communities in which the company operates, in an ongoing dialogue with the main international development bodies. 2013 was another year of progress in this area.
Thanks to the commitment of all our people, eni has achieved extraordinary results on safety, whithout giving up its rightful ambition to further improve. The company has invested in the talent and skills of all its people to promote technological innovation and modern working practices, identifying new business opportunities to strengthen and renew its international standing.
eni’s contribution to local development has been once again an undisputed priority in the last year. In partnership with the institutions and Countries involved, eni has developed solutions to ensure growth while respecting community resources, starting from its commitment to improving access to energy in Countries where it has a long standing or recent presence. These include the Republic of Congo and Mozambique.
Again in an international context, 2015 will see the completion of the process for the agreement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. eni has played an active role in this process.
The new development agenda will concentrate on complex problems and the contribution of all players capable of offering concrete solutions will be highly valued. Describing the company’s work using these goals as a reference point is an important step in terms of clarifying the existing links and the contribution that the company can make.
It is a path which demands skill and courage, so that together we can create the momentum and the innovation required to plan a sustainable future. This too, for eni, is the way to rethink energy.
Paolo Scaroni
Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer