increase in people recruited abroad since 2005
local people in managerial positions in 2013
In 2013, again in E&P, the pilot project Innovation Idea Management (IIM) was developed, with the aim of increasing innovation in the sector by promoting the creativity of people throughout the world, using a shared platform for collaboration and networking. The co-creation of ideas and the free participation of eni’s people regardless of their geographical location or seniority were the strong points of this project, which will now be rolled out on a larger scale.
Between May and October in 2013, in relation to seven challenging issues, 111 new ideas and 570 contributions were submitted, 900 votes were cast and over 9000 visits were made. During the assessment phase, 17 new ideas emerged and in the end 6 of these were selected by the R&D Committee to become new R&D initiatives during 2014. All of the technical areas participated in the pilot phase, involving 780 people, and 16% of the activities were developed by foreign geographical units. In the light of these results, the Innovation Idea Management (IIM) methodology will be integrated into the Knowledge Management portal and will constitute a further means of fuelling R&D contributions.
Another significant factor in the development of the business is the ability to act in harmony with local operational contexts and to weave effective relationships based on mutual cooperation with the local areas where eni operates, investing, anywhere in the world, in the acquisition and professional growth of local people and giving them positions of responsibility.
The continuous increase in recent years of people recruited abroad (+60.7% since 2005) and in the positions of responsibility assigned to local people (+59% since 2005) bears witness to eni’s commitment to the internationalization of its business and the value it places on all its people. In 2013 a total of 64 positions were “localized”, i.e. assigned to local people rather than to expats. The proportion of managerial positions occupied by local people went up from 22.82% in 2011 to 27.9% in 2013. Valuing local people includes giving them the possibility of developing international career paths, through effective management of the international mobility processes.
In 2013 new instructions for international assignments, in cities and in rural areas, were issued to promote, in a clear and transparent manner, the opportunities for international assignment available throughout the world for people of all nationalities.
The definition of the SDGs places the issue of work, in terms of both working conditions and pay, at the centre of the sustainable development agenda.